A reality of life, is that our body will die.
What are the options for the body?

  • Natural Burial

    Natural burial encourages the nutrients in a body to return to the earth, without the greenhouse gas and energy use of a cremation.

    Natural burial grounds differ. Some may include revegetation to encourage wildlife and mixed use of land.

    The Natural Death Advocacy Network which have lots of up to date information on the topic. Disclosure: I am a committee member of NDAN

  • burial plot at Fawkner Memorial

    Conventional burial

    If you have not secured a plot you will need to contact your preferred cemetery for information. Talk to me about your preferences, as I am happy to help you with that task.

    There are lots of options available, from lawn burials to monumental graves and crypts. Sites can be highly structured or organic and free of restrictions and all things in between.

  • Cremation

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • Mausoleum

    Mausoleums have a rich history. The Romans were inspired by Ancient Egypt tombs. Mausoleums are architectural structures which contain the body. Usually Marble structures. This tends to be an more pricy option and often requires body embalming.

  • Aquamation

    This option is now available in southern NSW. By combining heated water with an alkali solution, aquamation accelerates the breakdown of a body, and then the remains are ginded and returned to the family. Other common names for aquamation include hydro-cremation, resomation, bio-cremation, green cremation, and flameless cremation, noting that they all refer to the same process.

  • Body Composting

    Recompose is a Seattle based company which has been been composting human bodieh in industrial container pods to then return soil to the family. This technology is not currently available in Australia. The closes thing to this option is Natural Burial.

  • Donate to Science

    The University of Melbourne co-ordinates a Body Donor Program for the purposes of anatomical examination and the teaching and study of anatomy.

    Bodies are used in the education and training of future healthcare professionals.

    On completion of their studies, the body is cremated. Following cremation, relatives who have requested the return of ashes are able to retrieve them for commemorative purposes.

  • Repatriation

  • Buried on private land

    If you have access to farm land that has previously been used for burial you may be able to get approval from your council. I suggest you enquire early as approval could take months.